Community Engagement

At Loyalty Support Services, we seek to add real value to the communities where we serve and operate. That means going above and beyond the scope of our services—investing in the future of these communities in ways that will have tangible, sustainable, long-term impact and enhance their overall wellbeing.

For this reason, we are deeply and continuously engaged in activities that aim to enhance the accessibility, variety, and quality of education provided in communities across Jordan.

Here are some of the ways we have worked to provide enhanced educational opportunities to young people throughout the Kingdom:

The Loyalty Support Services School Uplift Initiative

LSS has undertaken a large-scale, nationwide initiative to uplift and renovate around four dozen schools in communities across Jordan, ultimately serving over 20,000 students. These schools are run by the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF), who have stepped up to provide educational opportunities in underserved areas. Through its School Uplift Initiative, Loyalty Support Services was eager to build upon the efforts of the Jordanian Armed Forces in ways that would elevate the learning environment in these schools and ultimately increase attendance and graduation rates.

Based on the needs of each school, the renovations that have been carried out by LSS were designed to address a number of aspects aimed at enhancing the overall quality of education for students throughout the Kingdom. These included:

Sports facilities

Providing students with athletic facilities can be a vital tool for supporting their overall development and wellbeing. LSS has built 42 state-of-the-art sports fields and facilities and installed 6,520 square meters of awnings at these schools, with the goal of enhancing students’ sportsmanship, camaraderie, and access to recreational activities and opportunities, both for students and the wider surrounding communities.

Solar energy systems

By installing 41 solar energy systems, LSS has helped save these schools a considerable amount of money on their energy costs, allowing them to allocate a greater percentage of their budget toward other educational needs and resources.

Classroom air conditioners

To enhance students’ comfort and provide them with an environment that is much more conducive to learning, LSS has installed 720 air conditioning units and 11,000 square meters of curtains in classrooms across the country—which is particularly important for schools in regions where the climate can be especially hot and inhospitable during the daytime.

School health clinics

LSS has worked to ensure that schools are well-equipped to meet students’ medical and health-related needs. With the Jordanian Armed Forces already stepping up to provide medical staff at these schools, LSS has lent its support by developing and renovating 46 on-site clinics, and by coordinating with medical staff to ensure that each facility is well-stocked with medical supplies and resources.

Water filtration systems

In many schools across the Kingdom, the quality of potable water is very poor, with high levels of salinity that ultimately render it undrinkable. LSS has worked to install 132 water filtration systems that gave students vital access to clean, fresh drinking water.

Learning and accessibility resource rooms

It’s important to cultivate learning environments that enhance accessibility and opportunity for all students—especially those who require supplementary support. LSS has upgraded 37 full-fledged learning resource rooms at JAF schools throughout Jordan and equipped them with special educational tools, supplies, and materials, in order to accommodate students who may benefit from these additional resources.

School Supplies and Uniforms

To ensure that students have access to the tools and resources they need to succeed, and to help them put their best foot forward in their academic career, LSS has provided more than 20,000 students across the Kingdom with a wide variety of essential school supplies—such as books, uniforms, and stationery.


The Loyalty Support Services Endowed Scholarship to Attend King’s Academy

In partnership with King’s Academy—Jordan’s premier boarding and day school—Loyalty Support Services has established an endowment designed to provide one student each year with a full, four-year scholarship to attend King’s Academy.

This scholarship is exclusively open to academically exemplary students who are preparing to enter high school, and who are the children or dependents of an active member of the Jordanian Armed Forces.

By empowering high-achieving students in JAF communities to attend a prestigious institution like King’s Academy, LSS hopes to help create a future in which a more diverse chorus of voices and perspectives are driving innovation and progress.

To learn more, visit the LSS Endowed Scholarship website here.